M Chadderton

Middleton Road, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 0LQ
26,379 sq.ft (2,451 sq.m)
15 Units

Asset Manager

Property Details

M Chadderton is a community retail precinct anchored by a large Asda Supermarket. The scheme also comprises of a petrol filling station and car park, providing 521 spaces.

The shops offer an eclectic shopping environment ranging from local occupiers offering food and beverage options to national multiples including Heron Foods, Greggs and Boots. The retail units within the precinct provide a mixture of unit sizes arranged over ground floor retail sales with first floor storage.

The scheme further benefits from a council operated market, which takes place every Wednesday between 9am & 4pm. 

Current Tenants

Age UK
Done Brothers
Card Factory

Available Properties

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M Chadderton

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